
מציג פוסטים מתאריך נובמבר, 2018

The Harry Potter discrepancies - Post 4: Book 7

The Harry Potter discrepancies series continues. After reviewing the discrepancies in - books 1-4 book 5   book 6 It is time to to move on to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (a.k.a HP7): But first, let us get it off our chest: HP7 was a disappointment at the first read, it remained such in repeats over the years, and the feeling only got stronger this time around. It is sad, because once you start the series, you want to go the distance. But the joy of the first books is slowly replaced by the tension of wanting to ride it till the end, and the discrepancies are not the only problem. HP7 is a seriously flawed book. Just compare the dramatic density of HP6 with HP7 ! If only Rowling had let the cave-horcrux be destroyed at book 6, it would have made HP7 so much better (not perfect, as there are still some serious discrepancies left to handle... but better). Why did Rowling kept the horcrux for book 7 ? because it would have made the shrill nakedness of the H